Pro Bono Attorneys Are Change Agents
Wednesday Journal
PBN's Executive Director, Linda Rio, writes in a letter to the editor that, "We see examples of it every day. Far too many in our most vulnerable populations cannot afford access to basic rights and justice ... The low-income clients we serve across Chicagoland include families, seniors, veterans, those with disabilities, and those who are or were incarcerated, among others."
The Ripple Effect of Representation
Wednesday Journal
Immigration client Kenia hopes her story, and the ripple effects of having free legal representation, will encourage support, volunteerism, or give hope to others. She says, "I know if it wasn’t for PBN I would not be where I am or who I am today."
Banned Words for Access to Justice 2.0
CBA Record
Bob Glaves, Executive Director of The Chicago Bar Foundation says everyone involved with pro bono work should focus on clarity and respect when we talk about what we do and who we do it for, if we're going to achieve a justice system that is "truly fair and accessible for all."
Happy Birthday, PBN!
In 2011, we got together around Donna Peel's kitchen table during "snowmageddon" to do something about the need for free legal services in the area. In this short clip, Donna recalls that first meeting.
Pro Bono Network’s 10th Anniversary
Wednesday Journal
In 2011, while “snowmageddon” raged in Chicago, Pro Bono Network formed, changing the model for the way free legal services are provided. Ten years later, we continue to create meaningful change in the lives of low-income residents.
Pro Bono Network Aids Access to Legal Services
Wednesday Journal
Each of us is struggling to adjust to the “new normal” brought about by the coronavirus (COVID-19). Sheltering-in-place, social-distancing, and caring for our families, coupled with unprecedented uncertainty, is changing the way we go about our lives.
Addressing the Shortage of Pro Bono Attorneys
Chicago Tribune
According to the Legal Services Corporation Justice Gap report, low-income Americans received no or inadequate legal help for 86 percent of their non-criminal legal problems. Learn how PBN is addressing the shortage.
Pro Bono Attorneys Needed to Address Growing Justice Gap
Austin Weekly News
In Cook County alone, approximately one-half of the 1.4 million people who qualify for legal aid will need assistance in any given year. However, current legal aid programs and pro bono attorneys in Illinois cannot come close to meeting that need.
Making Pro Bono Work
DuPage County Bar Association
The need for attorneys to provide pro bono legal services has never been greater. Despite the strong efforts of national, state, and local entities to provide free legal services to those of limited means, statistics show that we are in a legal aid deficit.
PBN with Sheila Pont
Comcast Newsmakers
PBN's director of programming, Sheila Pont, is interviewed by WGN's Paul Lisnek.
Q&A with Heena Musabji
American Bar Association
In this interview with the ABA, PBN director of development Heena Musabji discusses the PBN model and how it works.
For Stay-at-Home Lawyers Keen on Pro Bono, a New Kirkland Counsel Has You Covered
Donna Peel always planned to return to the practice of law. But Peel never expected that during her career break she would start an organization that helps stay-at-home parents like her plug into pro bono agencies as a way to keep their legal skills sharp. Of course, that’s exactly what happened.
This Woman Created the Uber of Legal Aid
Donna Peel is using sharing-economy principles and woman power to help fill a dire need for legal-aid lawyers.
Technology Is Making it Easier for Lawyers to Do Pro Bono Work
ABA Journal
The legal industry already has been heavily affected by technology and the “Uber-ization” of the marketplace. It follows that pro bono work also would be affected.
Attorneys at Home: The Forgotten Resource for Legal Aid Delivery
The Federal Bar
Attorneys who leave their legal careers for home and family obligations often feel set afloat on the proverbial iceberg—with the parting advice to keep their legal skills current and stay in touch if they are serious about reentry. While the advice is true, it is enormously difficult to put into action.
Know Their Name: Pro Bono Network
CARPLS Everyday Justice Blog
CARPLS is proud of its partnerships with many Chicago-area and Illinois organizations, including this month’s feature on the Pro Bono Network. CARPLS’ Everyday Justice Blog is a showcase for all of us who are working towards the mission of access to justice.
Pro Bono Attorneys Needed to Address Justice Gap
Riverside/Brookfield Landmark
According to the report, “The Justice Gap,” low-income Americans receive no or inadequate legal help for 86 percent for their non-criminal legal problems. These individuals include senior citizens, veterans, and those with disabilities. They may be experiencing housing problems or domestic violence, or they may be trying to obtain veterans’ benefits, disability benefits, or child support. Currently, there are not enough volunteer attorneys in Illinois to help them.