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Volunteering While Inactive, Retired or Licensed Out of State



You can still do pro bono work!  Per Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756, an attorney can practice law in a pro bono setting as long as he/she:


  • Files a registration form with the ARDC

  • Works with an approved sponsoring entity (which all of our partner agencies are)

  • Completes any training required by the sponsoring agency.

The Steps

  1. ​Fill out the appropriate form available below.

  2. Complete the first page and as much of the second page as possible.  Scan and email both pages to Sheila Pont, cc'ing your Project Manager on the email. REMEMBER: The Partner Agency is who should be listed on this form; PBN is NEVER the sponsoring entity.

  3. PBN will then send the forms to the Partner Agency for signature and then forward it onto the ARDC.

    • Once the form is sent to the ARDC, you will NOT receive confirmation that they were  received.  PBN can forward you a copy upon request and suggests you keep a copy of the completed and signed form for your records.

First time volunteering on a specific project

Renewing your 



(you must renew your authorization each January)

Still have questions?

Contact your Project Manager or Sheila Pont at

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